Monday 16 May 2011

Review---Sixteenth Summer by Michelle Dalton

I know I am a little late in posting this review. I was a little busy. Sorry for that. Enjoy!!

Sixteenth Summer by Michelle Dalton follows the life of Anna, who has lived her entire life on Dune Island. Precisely talking, the book is all about her summer life. She mostly spends every summer in the same monotony, bored to death and craving for change. In the beginning, she is so bored with her life and complaining (seriously?? I would love to live on an island!!!) all the time, that I was wondering if I had made a wrong decision about reading this book as I honestly don’t like books were the characters (especially the main character) is always cribbing. But soon enough Will stepped into the story and it started getting interesting.  One thing I really liked about Anna’s life is that she lives on a frickin’ island!!! ( I think I mentioned that before, but….) She can go swimming anytime she wants (yeah!! I wish I could do that). Later on in the book, Anna makes some awful decisions to protect herself from being hurt. I wish she didn’t do that, as a lot could have been prevented. But everyone is different, you really can’t expect people to make the same decisions that you would, if you were in that situation.
I totally fell in love with Will. He’s such a sweet, positive guy. He’s also the non-jealous types (isn’t that great?!!??) and very thoughtful, loving, did I mention sweet, handsome.
I really liked the friendship between Anna, Caroline and Sam. That is just a totally super cute triangle of friendship. There are some things which even as friends you can’t understand about each other.
Short review, isn’t it? I had nothing much to say about it. It’s an ideal summer read, a lovely one, I must say. It’s very well written and would easily make anyone’s day. I thank Michelle Dalton for putting hard work into a lovely book as that and congratulate her for the success. Hope you guys found this piece of information useful. I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone. Please go read it. Even if I haven’t been able to convince you through this review, you must read it. Its lovely and thus I am too wonderstruck to formulate the proper words.

Xoxo <3

1 comment:

  1. This books sounds like it'd make for a good, light summer read. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
